Computer Fundraising

To all those who love to participate in charitable works, our volunteers, and to PDS supporters. We have great news to share with you.

PDS has established a database for its village [Kibele] to know the number of its population, number of family members, whether the children are going to school and getting an education, and the number of unemployed members in the families.

So, we as an organization could be able to know the gap and fill it and achieve the main organization’s purposes of providing job opportunities, and a better life for the villagers who deserve help through a fair contribution to the received resources from our donations. Thus, this database really helps us to contribute the resources sufficiently according to each family’s needs.

This database couldn’t have been established without our Egyptian volunteers from Have a Dream, because they are the ones who collected all the data and made the forms on their computers. But unfortunately, all their efforts will be wasted on the ground if those data are not going to be analyzed and sustainable. Because the circumstances of each family change over time, this will lead to the inadequate contribution of resources.

Therefore, this is a call for all volunteers and people who are passionate about helping PDS efficiently provide its help to the maximum number of people. To donate and participate in a long-term help that will encourage PDS to provide more services and support to the people around. Because PDS is looking forward to extending the database for the nearby villages, providing training sessions to the villagers to give them better job opportunities, and giving the children computer lessons in the school.

Accordingly, we are currently raising funds to buy computers, two printers, and an internet connection. Because Computers, printers, and the internet are among the most important resources to help our community.

We encourage each one of you to donate their old computers and printers, maybe your old computer is just a useless gadget for you. But for our community, it will participate in a huge improvement.

Also, you can donate money.
One second-hand computer cost 150$
One smart printer cost 300$
Internet connection 150$
Total amount 3,000$

The availability of 15 computers, printers, and internet in our office means we can work effectively and create many opportunities for our community. Also, young people in our village will be offered ICT training as a part of skills to help them create their jobs.

Remember that your participation will help the people on the other side of the world to have the basic facilities and opportunities that anyone has right now in this digital age. Thank you for your donations!

One second-hand computer
Qty 1
The minimum allowed amount is €10.00
Subtotal: 0.00
One smart printer
Qty 1
The minimum allowed amount is €10.00
Subtotal: 0.00
Internet connection
Qty 1
The minimum allowed amount is €10.00
Subtotal: 0.00
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