Tourism & Environmental Conservation Training 05/07/2021-08/07/2021


For the Second Time PDS will organize a 4 days training about Tourism & Environmental Conservation.

Our volunteers from France will teach the basics on this topic. Join Cléo & Mathilde to learn more about Environmental Sustainablity and join Mona to talk about Tourism.


The Training will take place from Monday to Thursday (July 5-July 8, 2021).

Every morning from 8am to 12am.

The Program

Monday: Presentation on Environmental Conservation by Cléo & Mathilde.

Tuesday: Presentation about Tourism by Mona.

Wednesday: Round Table Discussions to discuss about the 2 topics taught the last 2 days. The participants will be divided into groups in order to find relations between Environment & Tourism. Find out how both are connected! Search for project ideas and design your own project to reconcile Tourism & Environment.

Thursday: Presentation of the different project ideas.

Don’t Miss It!

On Thursday afternoon (July 8, 2021) the participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance to thank them for their participation to the training. A snack will be offered, with biscuits and water.


At PDS House, the Head office of the organisation Perspective Development Skills Charitable Organisation, also known as PDS Zanzibar.


SH/TB/132 Zanzibar University Road
Kibele, Tunguu
P.O. BOX. 2189 Zanzibar, Tanzania

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